Fighting the Tax Man! Steps for protesting your property taxes.

Turner agent Brandi Weber throws a sucker punch at property taxes in her blog, Shiny City Chronicles: 

Another in a series of posts about money and real estate and taxes. I know it’s kind of dry—but you will thank me someday. That day may be when you successfully contest your property taxes!

Filing the Protest

The first step is to file a protest. The appraisal district has protest forms available, but you can hand write it on a piece of paper and fax it in. It simply needs to identify you as the owner, identify the subject property, and state that you disagree with the appraised value and wish to protest. If you’ve waited till the last minute, it would be best to fax it and then send a follow-up copy by certified mail.

Read the rest to keep the Tax Man off of your back year after year>>
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